
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Menon, N., Johnston, L., Powell, A., Richardson, B., & Straker, A. (2024). (Care)fully reconstituting cruel professionalism with and for early childhood educators: how caring activism can resist uncaring conditions. Early Years, 1–14. 

Davies, A., Richardson, B., Abawi, Z. (2024). Re-Imagining the Image of the Teacher in Post-Secondary Early Childhood Education: Calling for Onto-Epistemological Justice. Pedagogy, Culture and Society. 1–19. 


Richardson, B., Vickerson, R., & Bader, N. (2023). Falling by the “wasteside”: Defining and moving towards educator well-being from the perspective of ECEs in Ontario, Canada. Australasian Journal of Early Childhood. 

Richardson, B., Cook, K., Breitkreuz, R., & Wu, B. (2023). Writing gender in: Pandemic childcare policy responses in Australia and Canada.  Journal of Women, Politics & Policy. 

Richardson, B., Powell, A., Johnston, L. & Langford, R. (2023). Reconceptualizing activism through a feminist care ethics in the Ontario, Canada early childhood education context: Enacting caring activism. Social Sciences, 12(2). 


Richardson, B., & Langford, R. (2022). Care-full pedagogy: Conceptualizing feminist care ethics as an overarching critical framework to interrupt developmentalism within post-secondary early childhood education programs. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood,


Richardson, B., Prentice, S., & Lero, D. (2021). “I’m kind of in a dilemma”: The Challenges of Non-standard Work Schedules and Childcare. Community, Work and Families.


Richardson, B., Powell, A., & Langford, R. (2021). Critiquing Ontario’s childcare policy responses to the inextricably connected needs of mothers, children and early childhood educators. Journal of Childhood Studies, 46(3) 1-15.


Richardson, B. (2021). Commodification and care: An exploration of workforces’ experiences of care in private and public childcare systems from a feminist political theory of care perspective. Critical Social Policy, April 2021.


Richardson, B. (2021). Review of the book [Seeing the child in child protection social work, Sue Kennedy, London: Red Globe Press]. The Journal of Social Work,


Langford, R. & Richardson, B. (2020). Ethics of care in practice: An observational study of interactions between children and educators in Canadian early childhood settings. Journal of Childhood Studies, 45(1), 33-47. 

Jones, M., Richardson, B. & Powell, A. (2019). Reconceptualizing our work: The connection between ECE students and political action. Journal of Childhood Studies, 44(1), 123-133. 


Langford, R., Richardson, B., & White, J., (2017). Caring about care: Reasserting care as integral to early childhood education and care practice, politics and policies in Canada.  

Langford, R., Richardson, B., Prentice, S. & Albanese, P. (2017). Caring about Care: Repositioning Care as Integral to Early Childhood Education and Care Politics and Policies in Canada. Global Studies of Childhood, 7(4), 311-322.


MacDonald, L. & Richardson, B. (2015). ECEs as childcare advocates: Examining the scope of advocacy carried out by ECEs from the perspective of childcare movement actors in Ontario and Manitoba. Canadian Children, 40(1), 100-110. 

Richardson, B. & Langford, R. (2015). A shifting collective identity: A critical discourse analysis of the Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada’s public messaging in 2005 and 2008. Critical Discourse Studies, 12(1), 78-96.

Richardson, B., Langford, R., Friendly, M., Rahaula, A. (2013). From Choice to Change: An analysis of the “choice” discourse in Canada’s 2006 federal election. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 14(2), 155-167.


Langford, R., Prentice, S., Richardson, B., & Albanese, P. (2016). Conflictual and cooperative childcare politics in Canada. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 10(1), 1-20. 


Langford, R., Prentice, S., Albanese, P., Messina-Goertzen, B., Summers, B., & Richardson, B. (2012). Early childhood education professionalization as an advocacy strategy: A content analysis of Canadian child care social movement organizations’ 2008 discursive resources. Early Years: An International Research Journal, 33(3), pp.302- 325. 

Richardson, B. (2013). Exploring mother-infant-bedsharing through a cross-cultural lens: Western versus non-Western mother-infant sleep arrangements. Journal of Motherhood Institute, 4(2), p.120-129.

Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters

Lehrer, J., Cagnon, C., Robitaille, C., Bernard, E., Fournier, A., Bigras, N., Richardson, B. (2025). Pourune politique féministe du care comme ancrage des discussions sur la qualité éducative en petite enface. In N. Bigras and L. Lemay (Eds). Construire le Sense de la qualité Éducative en Petite Enfance. Press de l'Universé due Québec. pp.329-361. 

Richardson, B. & Lehrer, J. (2024). ‘Big Sister’ is watching: A feminist critical discourse analysis of texts supporting the use of live stream video feed technology. In Ute Ward (Ed) Supporting ECE Practice in Difficult Times, Routledge.

Lehrer, J. & Richardson, B. (2023). Resisting children as human capital. In M. Vandenbroeck, J. Lehrer and L. Mitchell (Eds). The Decommodification of      Early Childhood Education: Resisting Neoliberalism. Routledge.


Richardson, B. & Langford, R. (2022). Introduction, Commentary 1, Commentary 2, Commentary 3 and Conclusion. In R. Langford and B. Richardson (Eds) The early childhood educator: Critical conversations in feminist theory. Feminist Thought in Childhood Research, Volume 5. Bloomsbury.


Richardson, B. (2022). At the intersection of care and justice in child protection: A reflective account. In B. Richardson (Ed) Mothering on the edge: A critical examination of mothering within child protection. Demeter Press.


Richardson, B. & Langford, R. (2019). Citizen engagement in childcare policy: Examining childcare policy problematizations in Canadian newspaper articles from 2008 to 2015. In S. Phillipson and S. Garvis (Eds), Volume III Early Childhood Education in the 21st Century: Teachers and families (pp. 23-37). London, UK: Routledge.


Richardson, B. (2019). Government, policy, and the role of the state. In R. Heydon (Regional Ed.); W. Corsaro (Ed.-in-Chief). Set: Childhood (Volume: Canada). Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury.


Richardson, B. (2019). Shifting gender norms and childcare. In L. O’Brien-Hallstein, A. O’Reilly & M.  Vandenbeld Giles (Eds) Routledge Motherhood Companion (pp.353-361). Toronto, ON: Routledge.

Richardson, B., Lysack, M. & Hewes, J. (2019). The educator is political: Exploring the role of post-secondary early childhood education programs as places of political inquiry and practice in the contemporary Canadian context. In I. Jones & M. Lin (Eds) Critical Issues in Early Childhood Teacher Education (pp.41-56). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing: Charlotte.


Richardson, B. & Langford, L. (2018). Consistently Inconsistent: Childcare Policy in Canada. In in S. Garvis and H. Harju-Luukainnen (Eds) Volume I Early Childhood Education in the 21st Century: An international perspective (pp.20-33). London, UK: Routledge.


Langford, R. & Richardson, B. (2018). Working towards change: The early childhood education and care workforce in Canada. In S. Phillipson and S. Garvis (Eds), Volume 2 Early Childhood Education in the 21st Century: Teachers and families (pp.24-37). London, UK: Routledge.


Richardson, B. (2017). Taking Stock of Corporate Childcare in Alberta: Licensing Inspection Data in Not-for-Profit and Corporate Childcare Centres. In R. Langford, S. Prentice, & P. Albanese (Eds.), Caring for Children: Social Movements and Public Policy in Canada (pp.119-140). Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia Press.